Monday, March 25, 2019

Saturday Morning Experience Lets Children Showcase Learning

The Saturday Morning Experience fair
(photo by Colton Hawkins)
By Colton Hawkins

The parking lot behind the Coates Library along Hildebrand Avenue was abuzz Saturday morning with booths, music, children, and Trinity students, as Trinity’s Department of Education held the Saturday Morning Experience Market and Educational Fair.

Dozens of students, in first through eighth grade, from San Antonio schools set up booths to showcase what they have learned about in class throughout the year, such as the environment and animal life. Students also came up with products related to their learning that they can sell to people, such as games or crafts that help protect the environment.

The second graders, for example, had a booth where people can pay to paint a little terracotta pot and choose a seed they would like to plant in it. The students then shared with the customers the life cycle of the plant they chose. Each grade had different games and goods to sell.

The Center for Educational Leadership at Trinity’s Education Department hosted this event, which was in its third year. Tesi Aguirre, a graduate student in education said the event, which provides “a science enrichment program for kids,” is mostly run by graduate students from Trinity, with help from undergraduate students.

During the school year, education students from Trinity were assigned to various classes at local schools as teachers assistants. They work with the students to come up with projects to participate in the Saturday Morning Experience.

“The students are applying everything that they have learned during the semester to this event, which really helps create a more hands-on experience,” said freshman Virginia McGrath. “Since I work with third grade, they were learning about ecosystems and how animal relationships and food chains work.”

Some local businesses also participated, including Smoke Shack, a BBQ restaurant near Trinity campus. This was the first time the restaurant came to this particular fair, and their employee said they "would always be excited to come back and help again.”

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