Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Mirage to Get Advancement Funding to Sell Yearbook Later Than Usual

SGA meeting on Monday
Photo by Emma Lucero
By Emma Lucero

Mirage, Trinity’s yearbook, asked for an advancement funding from the Student Government Association, as part of their funding proposal for the next school year presented to the SGA meeting last night.

The new proposal asks for an advancement from the budget to help print copies of the yearbook before students place their orders. Shelby Devore, a junior, presented the new funding proposal. Next year, Devore will be the editor in chief of the university yearbook.

The content of the yearbook is usually completed by the end of March, but the orders for the years have to be placed in the previous fall, before the yearbook has been created. Devore believes this to be a problem. “We have found that it is hard to sell a product when you do not have the product at hand.”

The Mirage wants to sell the yearbook in April, after the yearbook is produced, so they can focus on creating a great product the rest of the year.

Last fall, the Mirage sold 440 copies. They want to use the advancement to print 400 copies of the yearbook to be sold in April next year. Students would be able to see what the yearbook looks like before buying a copy.

Kassie Kelly, a junior, is the Legislative Relations Liaison for SGA. Kelly heard the proposal from the Mirage. “I liked the innovation the Mirage is striving for.”

Devore asked for a volunteer from SGA to act as a potential customer of the yearbook. Nick Santulli, the president of SGA and a junior, volunteered. Devore told Santulli that she was trying to get him to buy a yearbook in the fall and asked him if he would be willing to buy a yearbook that he has not seen. Santulli was hesitant to say yes.

“I liked the casual feel of their proposal and the fact that Shelby engaged the Senators in a demonstration that really seemed to help sell them,” Said Kelly.

"I am hoping that by showing them how hard it is to sell a yearbook, they will be able to understand what we go through during a school year and will want to help,” Devore said.

SGA will vote to approve the funding proposal next week.

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